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The name of our solution is audiocate("Let Your Book Do the talking"). Audiocate is  learning platform which assist visually impaired, mentally challenged or a normal student to allow them listen to their books rather than read them just with their phone or computer. Students can snap pages of their notes woith clear writing and convert them into audio books or submit pdfs to audio books for easier learning, I believe this  software is going to a very big game changer for every student finding it hard to learn just from reading their books and will also help the average student cover a larger amount of his or her studies in shorter time. We will also provide both academic and non-academi premade audio books from us with quality content for the users. Books provided for users can also come from other users as we will have a contributor program where users can convert books and upload on the platform for others to use. These users will get paid to do this. We plan to generate our income from ads and premium books that users will pay for. Also from big audience selling books looking to add their books as audio to our platform will pay a percentage to do this.

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